Learning Journeys

Every child has a booklet called “My Learning Journey at Rawmarsh Nursery School and Children’s Centre”. This is a record in which staff, children and parents record the development and progress of the individual child.

We ask you to begin your child’s record book by filling in the pages which you will receive on visitor’s day. You are also welcome to put in any other interesting things your child does at home.

When your child enters nursery school, the staff will play with and observe them in order to find out what they know and can do. We call this ‘Entry Assessment’ and it give us a position from which to plan the next steps in each child’s learning.

We will meet with you shortly after your child’s entry assessment to share your child’s Learning Journey with you and the key next steps for their learning. This cycle of assessment, planning and providing learning opportunities is then ongoing and we will meet with you regularly to include you in the process.

You may share your child’s achievements with your key person at any time and they will record them in your child’s Learning Journey Book.

In this way we can see the progress your child is making and ensure he/she is playing and learning to their full potential. We can also identify any areas where your child may need additional help from the nursery staff.

We also share information about children’s achievements with their new school when they leave.
